
Which animals give eggs and which animals give kids?

Which animals give eggs and which animals give kids?

Viviparous - Animal that bring forth live young ones which have developed inside the body of the parents are called as viviparous. example mammals - humans, dogs, cat etc.

Oviparous - Animals that give birth young ones through eggs are called as Oviparous. examples – birds

What is worth more gold or silver in today's economy?

What is worth more gold or silver in today's economy?

Gold and Silver is not worth in today's economy. If world banks are going sell the huge reserves of gold and silver the market may crash. And the inflation also adds up the price and the commodities also increases. But if you can find some good places that are showing up good returns in reality sectors depending on the economy and demography of your region it better to study the current situation and take a risk. Gold and silver are confined to smaller region like India only

What is grass good for?

In our ecosystem grass is useful in many ways.
It provides fodder for cow, horses, and other animals.
It provides shelter for insects and food for worms.
Bamboo is also a type of grass family. It provides wood for construction and making furniture.
Rice, wheat also belongs to grass family, which is the staple food for Asian countries like India.


If you get a cutting of a fruit tree will it grow faster than from seed?

If you get a cutting of a fruit tree will it grow faster than from seed?

A cutting of a fruit tree has a shoot but it does not have the roots.
Plants that develop from the seed has a uniform development into a root and shoot system.
They have a viability to develop into a healthy plant.
Cutting of a plant has  chances to get dried up due to lake of absorption of water and minerals from the sand.  So the survival and faster growth of the plants depends upon the nature of the plant, its environment and genetic ability.


How an insect enters mango seed?

How an insect enters mango seed?

Pollination takes place through insects. To attract the insects flowers produce nectar and colorful petals. Some insect needs to provide food for its young ones and to protect from predators. So, they lays eggs inside the flowers. When the flowers develop into a fruit, the insect larva burrows deep to the seed to get nourishment form the endosperm -  seed. By eating the endosperm it gets developed to a insect.


A Cure for Cracks in Concrete

The microbe, created by a team of researchers at the Newcastle University, has been programmed to swim down fine cracks in the concrete.  Once at the bottom,  it produces a mixture of calcium carbonate and a bacterial cells to “knit” the building back together, the researchers said. It as been aptly named as “BacillaFilla” It has been developed to prolong the life of structures which are environmentally costly to build, said the researchers who designed it as part of a science competition in the US.


Teachers and dull classrooms

Schools only want teachers who can help students score high marks.  May be 10% of schools in the country want or allow teachers to be different.  But, it is not enough for teachers to identify the face of the child whose name is on the attendance register.

Lessons to Learn

Today, many school managements, parents and students consider academics to be the sole purpose of a school.  This forces them to curtail the creativity of a teacher when they try to attempt anything out of the ordinary, calling it a waste of time.  Others believe that such a loss of individuality is largely self-created, and that rarely do teachers make use of the freedom to innovate.  Sometimes, educational policies framed by government agencies are also to be blamed for the loss of individual professional autonomy.  The result is that teachers, overwhelmed by the need to maintain records of marks of so many different components or assess students on so many factors in the case of CCE, give in to the temptation of taking the beaten path.

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